When 4.0 INEVITABLY has everything I warned about

whats the point in reporting people when they never learn? @MoltonMontro

rain please refrain from the ad hominem attacks


As you can see Nelson, this whole thing turned into a shit fest real fucking fast. My problem is that Rain brought his ideology into it. If he didn’t, I would’ve read the thread and moved on. But since I saw that he brought his ideology into it, I got real mad because I want politics to be minimized on this forum as much as possible.

Rain’s also generally being pretty condescending by dismissing everyone’s arguments and doubling down on his “prediction”. Also, rain literally just called someone a bigot. This is a tactic that SJWs use to shame someone’s opponents and it’s generally very scummy.

People generally don’t like real world politics seeping into video games. Which is why Aden said what he said. Also for @RainOfPain125, you’re starting to turn into an asshole. I hate to say it but it’s true.

rain wants to call us all toxic and ad hominem but he literally calls people dicks and fascists, calls people boneheaded, says they pull shit out of their asses. hes just as rude as any of us. thing is rains the real fascist here, hes the only one who cares enough to hit the report button. hes the only guy trying to silence individuals. just like he massflags unturned steam content with his group. (he reported that comment too, even though its true???) (he was democratically kicked out of RA, only to call THEM fascists too!) and of course he always says hes gonna leave, its always his last post, hes always done, but he never leaves.

and honestly dont even try calling this an unproductive reply. this is the damn community lounge meme section. we arnt trying to be productive here. rain called nelson lazy and anti consumer for gods sake. is that supposed to be productive? step off the moral high horse and face reality.


take it away, @Armaros


You took that snippet of text out from @Armaros of context, thus further showing your dishonesty. I can’t believe I was going to be your friend, Rain.

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defending bigots is almost as bad as being a bigot. In fact, yesterday was Martin Luther King day if you didn’t know. And MLK said something very funny about hating the “white moderate” more than the “white nationalists” for being so indecisive and neutral during times when people were being harassed, oppressed, and segregated.

You’re being the same exact person MLK hated the most.

I don’t know you.

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can we get a tl;dr please i beg you


TL;DR Nelson (and by extension the entire community) aren’t learning from prior mistakes and negligence’s that occurred during 3.0, so those same problems will re-occur in 4.0.


Need I remind you how well 2b2t turned out?

tl;dr rain made another stupid political meme and people are angry at him, like last time. and the time before that. and the time before that. and before that.


ok thanks :smiley:


no problem friend.

I’ve always enjoyed your light-hearted satirical comedy.


Would you care to point me towards the part of Rains actual message where he was being political at all? All 4 of his linked posts were well meaning and serious, and he isn’t being political about it, unless you are saying having any kind of moral code (as his is for the small guy/pro consumer) means its political. If its the Marx meme, its a meme and in context is 100% about the told you bro, and the trans rights tree is also a meme. (And even if it wasn’t, human rights shouldn’t be viewed as political.) Also talking to nelson directly like that is awkward. Makes me think of when two little kids get in trouble and one of them shoves the other under the bus in front of the parent lol.

Also if you are going to cry “Rain playing victim card” in order to try to make him look bad, maybe don’t go on to shit on him and personally instead of his actual argument, taking an even lower road than he previously was and making yourself look like far less mature.

He was in the right.

He was calling people boneheads for not addressing the actual posts

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i remember having a good time playing canyon arena with you when that came out, good ol times of floor nelson. thanks for making topics that people got angry over for some reason.


boneheaded is still ad hominem, bigot is still ad hominem, hes still a hypocrite, doesnt matter if he was “right” or not, it was unproductive of him to say it.

where was he being political? literally the top post.

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I thought it was established that Rocket wasn’t coming to UII?

I fail to see how that relates to your argument.

@anon67155151 I have a problem with Rain because he generally tends to bring his personal politics into this, when I try so fucking hard to keep my politics out of Unturned. Other people have a problem with Rain for his behavior, as pointed out by @Effectism, and he’s also making himself look like a hypocrite to everyone, AND he’s being dismissive to anyone who criticizes the substance of his arguments, and shaming them on top of it.

oh yeah i think i recorded that. it was fun. good times.

not sure why they so upset. just wanna grill!


wholesome 100, really nice to see some cool conversation instead of shit throwing like guy above me

edit: ok there was crossfire replyning above me but it got deleted lmao