A warning against 'The Paywall'

while it is true nelson can gain funds from making unturned 10.00$ or something like that, it wont prevent hackers from joining nor it will it make the game have a larger player base. as i stated in my first comment, the game needs its younger audience for a sustainable player-base.

Not if theirs a server pass and battle eye or whatever its called comes with unturned 4.0

nobody has said the concept of official servers is dead, we dont talk about it because there is nothing to discuss about it. and i bet the players that want to have a normal experience could pay for a server, the official servers would prolly gain around 20-30 players for maybe each server. but if its region specific, that number could be low.

not if there friends buy the server pass


nice choice of words i will admit, but most servers aren’t P2W or unfair. its as long as some of the good server providers, like Freezer Network, comes along into the game as well.

Yea i could see less players on official servers a problem, but then again, with less players means more loot, and more loot means more hardcore players. players that want to defend and keep there loot safe.

maybe 1 nooby player, and prolly smells like fish

im pretty sure it wont be a big pop up ad in your face every time you launch the game

i don’t think its that big of a gap really. i think there will prolly be maybe 10, maybe even 5 who are new to the game. You know its also worth mentioning survival of the fittest for the new players. you either adapt and be the greatest, or camp in a berry bush the rest of the time on the server.

but that same logic could be applied to unturned 3.0 servers.

never knew that buying a pass and making a large group with your friends meant you were an elitist cuck :thinking:

that’s right, single

i mean i really wouldn’t want to be on the same server everyday, and that same logic could be applied to other players, so i guess the supply for them is little bit more than small?

wait a second i see my 4 favourite words in there

yea there it is! make a group with your friends and become the greatest empire only to be called out by asriel dremur from the ground below

everybody wants dominance over something. and i know that another group of at most 10 players could also raid that base and also become the greatest. Not to mention, groups like these can also be found in Rust.

Im sure the ally system in 3.0 will be ported into 4.0

maybe in chat they’ll be toxic, but i think crankey kong can help you with some advice
Image result for Donkey Kong's advice git gud


Is Pesky trying to add meaningful contributions to the forum now?

Looks at Crafting recipes you want



hey those pillow ideas are good
it gives some use to pillows instead of hugging it and calling for mama

Honestly I think the Paywall is a Good way to keep out squeakers
And if Rp Servers are introduced into the premium membership it will only make Good RolePlayers who dont complain about being killed into the rp community

that is a good point, but without squeakers, unturned doesn’t have a good and stable playerbase.

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Does it need one? I think the squeakers will join the paid servers, and the elite pro unturned gamers who team up in their steam groups, KoS everyone and then flex on them for their epic pro unturned gamer skills

I think playing the paid servers won’t be nice, because they’ll always be full, and with more competitive and toxic people, and big teams. Better servers will be single, dedicated servers that have chill little communities with friendly people (such as Kameding’s True Survival in 3.x)

k whatever dude I got a pack of hotdogs in the fridge and some cigs out back and i’m far less likely to get cancer by ingesting all of those carcinogens than I am by reading this post.

And because it has to be on topic. Your entire post only makes sense based on the assumption that people won’t purchase official server passes. Community servers are another option, but official servers will have vanilla gameplay, non-abusive admins, possibly a better connection, and most players will be experienced which would make gameplay more interesting. But who really gives a shit


Personally, i think it could work out if nelson hyped up new maps 1-2 weeks prior to release, then updated the official server 1 week prior to releasing it to non-gold users. The big clans would exist till a reset when the next big map is released. People would buy gold for previews and potentially receive 1 free item or crate if they go on an official server. This could draw people in to purchasing gold. I also think that purchasing gold could grant you benefits such as increased rare item chances.


I’m ok with a pay wall as long as it’s small and a one time payment.


how about we just
not have pay2win servers.
Mojang has an eula for minecraft where you cannot have pay2win servers. I think unturned should get one as well
This eula is avoidable by switching versions of the server to and older on but in unturned that just isn’t possible or practical

It’s almost like he’s just trying to prevent a paywall so he doesn’t have to pay to play the official servers lol

I agree. One time payment is all that’s necessary, that’s enough to dissuade hackers, and it would help cover server fees. Obviously, suffice to say, if you have to pay to enter, people are way less likely to hack.


Server pass =/= Gold upgrade
The point of the server pass will be to pay for official servers, so Nelson can keep them running for longer without paying out of pocket. The server pass is not being implemented so that Nelson can get rich quick off of people willing to pay for better loot drops, or other p2w bonuses.


So what is this saying?

If players who are good go against players who are bad the good players will probably win, so what?
Do you ban all the pro players or let hackers in?
Just because players who have experience and know how to play win against players who don’t know and are not that great at Unturned, means we should remove the paywall?
It also seems funny that your strongest example/evidence of this scenario happening is just a small statement saying “I have been the victim of this myself!” Which leads me to think that this was more of a spurious attempt to make a poor suggestion while having a go at players who just enjoy the game and are more skilled at it.
In an FPS, if a player joins an official custom server by paying and he dies to a pro player- does that mean we should remove the paywall to join the server? I see no sense in it. You are saying that ‘those elite scum who killed me once’ must be rooted out by removing the paywall so new players would flood in and…
Wait a gosh diggity damn second! Now the players who are new but are less new and slightly more skilled will just destroy the new players and the ‘elite scum who I hate because I have a 300 KG bucket of salt in my hands darnit!’ will then still sweep the floor.
Hmm, its starting to seem like this idea has absolutely no merit in stopping pro players.
Now, you say that only long time players would play paywalled severs and you are complaining that new players would fill the servers and get wrekt by the pro players even though you said that only long time players would play the custom ones- now I am confused myself!

Oh yeah! In Call of Duty, if there was a paid for server in a free CoD game and a player killed you (fairly), would you literally call management trying to beg Bobby Kottick personally while making rousing speeches on Reddit to try and remove paywalls because you are mad that you got killed? It makes no sense.

To end my ramble, this idea has no merit and just seems like a personnel fueled dig at some random players who were having a good damn time and managed to win against a player.

Enjoy the game…Don’t make suggestions because you died once fairly because a player was better and knew the mechanics better… Like- come on!

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He’s saying that people wanting a casual experience without hackers shouldn’t pay for a server where they’ll instantly get their ass kicked.

Then they can find a community server fit for them.

People should be able to play the game however they want


Yeah, i want to play survival but all of these pay2win server clogging my list.


Where is this idea that official servers are “pay to win” coming from, isnt it just pay to play?

Pay to win means, paying to win.
You can pay for kits or commands on most servers

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Which is why he’s confused.

Since official servers aren’t going to have plugins, mods, or other additional microtransactions of any kind.