Now I think it should be much darker. As in you need a flashlight too see at night because its too dark, and you should be able to see lights from really far away during the night, like if someone lights a campfire out in the open on a mountain far away, you can see it for quite a distance. Heres an example of a Fallout 4 mod that shows how much darker it can get with this mod.
Yes it doesn’t look that dark int he image but it gets really dark in game after this. Plus if we did this flashlights would become less obsolete. Also heres another suggestion, we should be able to hold torches and flares to create light instead of only being able to throw them/place them. It would also be good to have a flickering affect with fire light sources. So yeah.
I’m pretty sure 2.0 was extremely dark. When I was watched videos on it was just a black screen until someone brought out a flashlight. RN people are like, oh i need ma green eyeball lights (nvgs) and all it does is give away your position.
True. NVGs have a weird tint on them, but they don’t emit a glow like in Unturned. I understand balance wise that Nelson would implement that though, especially remembering how they used to be on 100% of the time you wore them.
In 4.0, hopefully NVG doesn’t glow anymore, but in return they would behave more realistically, plus light sources would blind you.
I have a BenQ Monitor and a built-in feature which calles “Black Equilizer”. This feature lights up all black pixels which leads me to have a “wallhack” at night basically. I see everything clear and I never play with Nightvisions anymore.
I like the idea of darker nights, would encourage the use of flashlights/light sources as well as making the zombies a bigger threat as you will not be able to see them as easily.
“The Forest” darkness is really good as well. Would really force the player to make multiple light sources such as a standing like or a hanging light