What features do you want added to this site?

Cryptogram, for the love of god PLEASE STOP TRYING TO REACH 10,000 LIKES GIVEN

Okay. I will instead be more selective with the posts I like and not like anything over a month old in order to prevent necros.

Can we get a debate section since all of the shit ideas are gone

1 Like

A feature wherein multiple people flagging a post as “low quality” enables a downvote system in the thread.

Possibility to link your discord name

you know what fuck it im making a post about projared


I would love the ability to change the color of my text. That would be able to improve the general quality of posts i.e

"Here is what I suggest for Unturned II


-insert idea’s with a green text


-insert idea’s with a purple text "

I would also like something like a tutorial button when you go to your profile page that’s clickable for 7 days. The tutorial could show you the basic’s of the forum and the symbol meaning’s in the type screen’s.

And maybe having friends would be nice.

Another one would also be being able to BLOCK people. And if you can, it should probably be easier to detect unless I’m an idiot rn which I am.

That’s possible with html


Maybe you could try offering your classmates mints or gum, that’s a pretty good start to making friends.

You can block people through their profile page.


¡Hola! Para averiguar qué puedo hacer, escribe @discobot mostrar ayuda.

Forum friends.
Also, my bad on blocking.
Also, I never thought about that tactic of having friends! Time for my first one!
“Take the gum or I’ll use my knife!”

How about being able to underline things

This has always been possible.


I think he mean’s a more quick accessible way to get an underline thing up.
Like with the “B” and “I” symbol’s.
Frankly, I didn’t know that myself, so thank you for saying it!

O… I didn’t know how to do it thanks


Quick question, let’s say I’m making a list, and have a category inside a category, how would I Indent the thing outward?

* Bullet
  * Indented bullet

Wait does it only work with bullet points? Cause I tried so hard to do it with lists

theirs literally a bullet point option