Gas, Gas, Gas!

Lessening the item spawns is something you can already adjust in 3.X, but people don’t decrease it all that often. Instead of just decreasing the amount of items, the value of each item needs to be decreased, and the risk taken to acquire each item needs to increase. We don’t need less content, just tougher zombies, more expensive crafting, and less powerful consumables.

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I’d also like the spawn rates to be decreased to make it tougher, but there’s nothing really showing that Nelson is guarenteed to do this. Like I already said, it’s easy to adjust in 3.0. So if Nelson is aware that item spawns are too frequent, and he can fix them pretty easily, why doesn’t he? And how can you be so confident that he’s changing them based on no official statements or actions? You’re assuming his intentions.

Anyways this is getting the discussion off topic. The original point was that you could find several gas cans and use them to burn down base structures. But that doesn’t matter if the multiplier is really low like 0.01%.

Broadly/generally, many people seem to agree that there is a very short progression system in Unturned 3. Personally, I believe the only map that does loot progression “well” is Russia.

Nelson has openly acknowledged that Unturned 3 has both a hardcore and casual playerbase, and that adding one thing often ends up getting negative feedback from the other. 4 has been openly stated to be heading towards a “darker” more hardcore direction, which includes not encouraging PvP through end-game items (and guns in general) spawning super frequently. Fixing loot progression is high on that list, especially so PvE has a place in the game.

That’s only a small fragment of the reason for a new game though.

Anyways, iirc (without checking) he’s never directly said anywhere directly that he plans to straight-up decrease item spawns, but he does plan to “balance” the value of individual items better. This includes making things like melee viable again, and fixing PvP/bases. He’s also stated somewhere that he plans to better balance the Inventory system[1], and that he plans to expand upon Unturned 3’s game mechanics to be more challenging, skill-based, and/or rewarding.

Specific changes in Unturned 3 in the past that were done as compromises to try and move towards a more hardcore feeling most notably include making guns and ammunition spawn less commonly naturally, and adding two more weapon calibers (the high calibers).

So yeah, some of it probably is an assumption, but it’s a fairly good assumption to make based on Nelson’s current (publicly stated) vision.


Fair enough. Based on everything Nelson has planned for more challenging gameplay, It’d reasonable to say that the item spawns are going to be tweaked and reduced.

Based on the fact that we will be able to stack items, it’d also be reasonable to assume that the items themselves will each be less effective.

It’s balanced because rare

That’s not the only balancing feature, and making something rare can be part of balancing it. If everything was common everywhere, there would be no loot progression, and the game would be really easy. Part of the balancing of the 3.X sniper rifles was that they only used rare ammunition. People should really stop saying “It’s balanced because it’s rare” every time anyone mentions item rarity.

I think he was joking when he said that xD

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2 much Inital D 5 u for sure lol

Can’t help it. It’s too catchy

What about dragon’s breath shells for shotguns??? Nelson pls

This is an idea for another topic

I think those might be incendiary rounds that hes talking about, so they could be used to light gas on fire.

Yeah i know
Dragon’s breath shells are incediary shells for shotguns. And yeah, as i said, incendiary rounds light up gas no matter the distance

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yeah, but then who were you talking about? XD

Was talking to DragonCraft. The guy who talked about incendiary shells for shotguns

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Lol what have I started. I think Dragons breath would be a cool addition for shotguns though. Imagine killing hordes of zombies with fire and shot, all in one pull of the trigger.

Edit: misspelled the

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You would use the lighter or matches definitley not bullets

Let’s be able to light it with bullets. Would be more fun

Do you even physics